
A big warm welcome from me to you! I am so glad you decided to visit my website. Browsing around you will discover my client work, a documentary portfolio from my months spent in Paris, and information regarding my sessions.

Please do reach out if you have any questions at all.

With love,



The Photographer

Simply put, I love my job. Like, love love.

I wake up every day with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, a zest for creating art and experiences. So thank you for supporting me and my business.

Now let’s talk about Medusa, one of my greatest inspirations.

I’ve always felt a connection to her. At first it was the hair that had a mind of its own. Mine does too. I can seriously relate. Then it was the magic. She could turn people to stone with a glance! Pretty darn cool. Her power was used by Athena to ward off evil and, altruistically speaking, protect.

In other words, she was fierce. She stood her ground. She was a pillar of strength. She was unabashedly her.

That’s why I wear a coin with Medusa’s face around my neck.

I want to take my camera, my mechanical eye, and gaze upon you. I want to freeze that single moment in time, captured forever like stone. And it will be beautiful.

A special thank you to my love TMJ for designing and illustrating my Medusa-inspired logo.